2008年4月22日 星期二
2008年4月21日 星期一
2008年4月9日 星期三
Peugeot 205 turbo
Peugeot 205 turbo
全世界獅迷跟Ralley Fans心中最夢幻的4驅賽車;絕對跟你在路上看到的呆呆205完全不一樣,4驅後置引擎完美的車身線條.....喔~~~~有錢也買不到.
全世界獅迷跟Ralley Fans心中最夢幻的4驅賽車;絕對跟你在路上看到的呆呆205完全不一樣,4驅後置引擎完美的車身線條.....喔~~~~有錢也買不到.
Lynyrd Skynyrd---free bird 不死的70年代
Lynyrd Skynyrd---free bird
提起LYNYRD SKYNYRD,估計知道這個樂隊名字的人不會特別多,但是提起他們的很多著名的曲子估計很多人都有印象。這裡彈琴的朋友有很多,我想以前國外的一個雜誌評選的一百首最佳吉他solo歌曲大家一定知道,其中就有Lynyrd Skynyrd的著名歌曲Free Bird。完整的彈完後面那段吉他solo應該手會殘廢;不死也剩半條命;史上最偉大的南方搖滾樂團.
提起LYNYRD SKYNYRD,估計知道這個樂隊名字的人不會特別多,但是提起他們的很多著名的曲子估計很多人都有印象。這裡彈琴的朋友有很多,我想以前國外的一個雜誌評選的一百首最佳吉他solo歌曲大家一定知道,其中就有Lynyrd Skynyrd的著名歌曲Free Bird。完整的彈完後面那段吉他solo應該手會殘廢;不死也剩半條命;史上最偉大的南方搖滾樂團.
Dave Weiner
Steve Vai的現場第二吉他手;年紀輕輕就在Steve Vai的 Band.....實在是很恐怖!!
1. How did you get into Steve Vai's band?
After college, I moved out to LA to go to GIT. The day I got to LA I went to the school to look around. I saw a job board on the wall and thought to myself that it would be a good idea to get some kind of job to start to network with people in the industry. I found an ad that basically stated:
"...intern needed for general office work.. make your own hours... fax your resume to #####..."
That was it. very vague. No names or anything. So I put a resume together and faxed it. That night I received a call at like 11 pm. It was Ruta Sepetys. The name sounded familiar to me but I couldn't place it. Then she started telling me about herself and her clients and mentioned Steve Vai and it clicked.. I had seen her name in Vai's credits.
So, I started working for Ruta in her office and continued there while I was at GIT. Every once in a while she would send me over to Steve's house or office to take him some papers or something. He was always cool but every time I met him, he'd call me a different name. Eventually he got to know me and during one of our conversations, I mentioned to him that I was going to be recording a demo for a few friends in the recording program at MI. He said he'd like to hear it when it was done. I finished the demo and gave it to him and didn't hear any remarks on it at all.
2 weeks later, I was working at Ruta's. It was a Friday. The phone rang. Ruta picked it up and it was Steve. She started looking at me and smiling and had this weird look on her face. She hung up the phone and said "..Steve's going to ask you to join his band.... expect an email." I was like.. yeah whatever. I get home and check my mail and it said something like ".. Dave I really liked your playing. Would you like to go on tour? Show up at the studio on Monday with your guitar and learn these 14 songs."
Of course I was blown away; in total shock that on Monday I would be going to start my professional career as a musician in rehearsals with Steve Vai instead of going to classes.
1. How did you get into Steve Vai's band?
After college, I moved out to LA to go to GIT. The day I got to LA I went to the school to look around. I saw a job board on the wall and thought to myself that it would be a good idea to get some kind of job to start to network with people in the industry. I found an ad that basically stated:
"...intern needed for general office work.. make your own hours... fax your resume to #####..."
That was it. very vague. No names or anything. So I put a resume together and faxed it. That night I received a call at like 11 pm. It was Ruta Sepetys. The name sounded familiar to me but I couldn't place it. Then she started telling me about herself and her clients and mentioned Steve Vai and it clicked.. I had seen her name in Vai's credits.
So, I started working for Ruta in her office and continued there while I was at GIT. Every once in a while she would send me over to Steve's house or office to take him some papers or something. He was always cool but every time I met him, he'd call me a different name. Eventually he got to know me and during one of our conversations, I mentioned to him that I was going to be recording a demo for a few friends in the recording program at MI. He said he'd like to hear it when it was done. I finished the demo and gave it to him and didn't hear any remarks on it at all.
2 weeks later, I was working at Ruta's. It was a Friday. The phone rang. Ruta picked it up and it was Steve. She started looking at me and smiling and had this weird look on her face. She hung up the phone and said "..Steve's going to ask you to join his band.... expect an email." I was like.. yeah whatever. I get home and check my mail and it said something like ".. Dave I really liked your playing. Would you like to go on tour? Show up at the studio on Monday with your guitar and learn these 14 songs."
Of course I was blown away; in total shock that on Monday I would be going to start my professional career as a musician in rehearsals with Steve Vai instead of going to classes.
2008年4月2日 星期三
FRENTE! Marvin The Album
FRENTE! Marvin The Album
Frente! (佛朗迪合唱团) 成立于1991年。由三男一女组合而成的澳洲民搖樂團。女主唱 Angie Hart清新甜美的嗓音極富韵味美感。可惜該團已于1998年解散,徒留遗憾予喜爱它的歌迷。
"Girl" – 2:42
"Labour of Love" – 3:01
"Ordinary Angels" – 2:49
"Lonely" – 3:23
"Most Beautiful" – 2:50
"Cuscutlan" – 3:00
"Pretty Friend" – 2:35
"No Time" – 3:20
"Reflect" – 3:06
"Explode" – 2:50
"Accidently Kelly Street" – 3:21
"See/Believe" – 3:06
"Dangerous" – 3:00
"Bizarre Love Triangle" – 2:01
Frente! (佛朗迪合唱团) 成立于1991年。由三男一女组合而成的澳洲民搖樂團。女主唱 Angie Hart清新甜美的嗓音極富韵味美感。可惜該團已于1998年解散,徒留遗憾予喜爱它的歌迷。
"Girl" – 2:42
"Labour of Love" – 3:01
"Ordinary Angels" – 2:49
"Lonely" – 3:23
"Most Beautiful" – 2:50
"Cuscutlan" – 3:00
"Pretty Friend" – 2:35
"No Time" – 3:20
"Reflect" – 3:06
"Explode" – 2:50
"Accidently Kelly Street" – 3:21
"See/Believe" – 3:06
"Dangerous" – 3:00
"Bizarre Love Triangle" – 2:01
寧缺勿扁 死守8年不領旌忠狀
2008.04.03 03:14 am
一群黨國不分的白爛軍人家屬....總統是全台灣選出來的不是你家國民黨的.民進黨做不好換掉;現在換國民黨...搞不好4年後會換成綠黨執政,親民黨也有可能.這麼討厭台灣的話為什麼不遷葬去中國阿?搞不好胡錦濤還會頒個"忠勇為國 委曲求全"扁額給你.
台灣人不會用省籍來當作投票的因素,而會用更包容的態度看每個候選人. 可是外省朋友們.....你們有辦法這樣嗎? 們永遠是以自己人優先考量;哪怕是台灣人做的再好也不會投他一票.我很怕下次連勝文出來選台北市長會高票當選,因為...你們外省朋友只會投給外省人.
2008.04.03 03:14 am
一群黨國不分的白爛軍人家屬....總統是全台灣選出來的不是你家國民黨的.民進黨做不好換掉;現在換國民黨...搞不好4年後會換成綠黨執政,親民黨也有可能.這麼討厭台灣的話為什麼不遷葬去中國阿?搞不好胡錦濤還會頒個"忠勇為國 委曲求全"扁額給你.
台灣人不會用省籍來當作投票的因素,而會用更包容的態度看每個候選人. 可是外省朋友們.....你們有辦法這樣嗎? 們永遠是以自己人優先考量;哪怕是台灣人做的再好也不會投他一票.我很怕下次連勝文出來選台北市長會高票當選,因為...你們外省朋友只會投給外省人.
2008年4月1日 星期二
frank zappa
吉他怪傑 奇數怪人
frank zappa 是一個很難定位的音樂家;風格很前衛創新,除了是吉他手也是編曲家;也當過交響樂指揮.
上面的影片'stevies spanking' 內可以看到年輕時的Steve vai.
frank zappa 是一個很難定位的音樂家;風格很前衛創新,除了是吉他手也是編曲家;也當過交響樂指揮.
上面的影片'stevies spanking' 內可以看到年輕時的Steve vai.
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